Friday, December 08, 2006

Cold nights

Cold nights challenge me to dare out and feel their raw chill. I want to spend a night over the top of an arid mountain in Kirthar range. When cold freezes me I will take refuge in a cave and lit the fire and wait for the sun to come out.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sunny Serene Sky

After Monday's thunderous rain Hyderabad's sky is sunny once again.
I love the colour of sky.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Timeless purity

Many will be sending you the messages to wish you happy birthday but they don't know you were born at the time when the stars were born billions of years ago. The glimmer in your eyes is similar to the glitter of heavenly diamonds in a pitch black cloudless night. Your purity is timeless and originality is intact just as the purity of stars is untouched and unmolested.