Sunday, May 25, 2008

Back to blogging.

This has been the longest break from blogging as I was tied up in so many things tangible as well as intangible. My research on tourism went very well and I had a unique opportunity to interact with local people of Keenjhar Lake. I have to complete another research the completion of MS degree. Three kids and life is full of fun. I keep doing my jaunts in and around Hyderabad with family and take photographs. I am more into flickr now a days. These few lines are just to break a long hiatus on blogworld.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey masd! once again ur comments on my blog are appreciated as always :) abt this tourism research ur upto - are u like going to do somethng on a national level for it? i think i mentioned once that im into such stuff - and pak is laden with the resources (physical beauty that is) for a potential booming tourism industry. good luck with ur work