Monday, July 05, 2010

Secret of Success

We all know the secret of success. This paradoxical statement is true. It is the secret because we look at the successful people with awe but we all know for success what we need to do. The secret lies in discipline yourself so that we have a control over our impulses and vagaries of heart. How to make oneself bound with the tedious tasks for achieving a challenging goal. The details require perseverance because even if we have understood the conceptual framework and design the contours of overall plan it is meaningless until details are not acted upon. The change does come, the seasons do change, the plants do grow, the ideas do become reality but after following a routine. We human beings know the secret of success that is "to discipline ourselves" but the attraction of getting instant gratification is too powerful for us to resist and we give in to the temptation of relishing what our heart wants instantly. Of course here I do not mean not to have fun or enjoyment, what I mean is not to leave the task which needs to be done at that moment because than the path to success will be lost, however if you do stick to the task, no matter how much you have to drag yourself to complete the task, you will have a sense of relief and fulfillment that can only be felt by successful people.

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