Sunday, March 19, 2006


The experience of living ,just living,need no efforts. When I say no effrots I mean even if we do not put our efforts to live we will continue to live till we encounter death. Live a purposeful life or just drift aimlessly you will end in a naught. In the long run who cares what happened to the lives of billions who are living today. Do we care what happened to billions of unnamed, unrecognized homo sapiens who persihed before us. In the long run everyone's life has no meaning. We are myopic creatures who think ourselves as the centre of the universe. Laughable Predisposition.
Lte's look at the life of an ant. The tiny ant may be thinking that it is making the life of fellow ants better through its efforts. That ant has just been crushed under the foot of a teenage boy while he was runnig just for running. Has anyone noticed........? "The Ant" is gone. We are no more important than these tiny ants in the larger scheme of the universe. Shooooooooooooooooo,and we are finished. The stars keep moving. Not a moment for them to mourn for us, they even dont know about us, how would they care, sum is zero.....result is nothingness. Life is a meaningless experiment of mind of a creature on the tiny ball call earth that is travelling towards emptiness. Life is a joke.....take it lightly!!!!


Anonymous said...

I wish my life was funny so i could laugh it:)

Anonymous said...

'Life is a joke.....take it lightly!!!!'-->easier said then done :)

Dawn said...

I do agree that life should be taken lightly...but life is not a joke...if u look at the kids living in Somalia, the child abuse in Afghanistan and so many killings happening in Iraq...ask them if that is a joke..? And we here talking big thing...u represented a story of an ant...but then you are trying to compare life with other aspect with Sun moon stars, universe etc....I would say even if we think frm a small scale is much worth if it comes to rescue another life...thats when the true value of life one is much more than a joke...when a mother after keeping the foetus for 9 months in her womb...and then she delivers a life...its not life is beautiful need to embrace it with love...believe me you will not love to leave this life so easily.

Good thought provoking post
