Thursday, March 23, 2006

Why are they called Indians?

Why are natives of America called Indians? She asked me. I asked her in return, "You tell me why are they called Indians? What do you think? She replied " I think,may be because they......I dont know that's why I am asking you." I smiled and told her...ok...Now listen..
In 1453 Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople (modern day Istanbul) from the Byzantines. The capture of Constantinople blocked the land rout between Europe and India and Eurpoeans started thinking seriously to find the sea route to India so that they did not have to deal with hostile Turks.
Christopher Columbus was convinced that by sailing towards west the route to India could be found. Convinced by this theory King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain sponsored the voyage of Columbus to discover the sea rout to India. In 1492 Columbus sailed out for India from Spain in the western direction. After a journey of 29 days he found an Island and thought he had discovered India. The people there were called Indians by Columbus and since then the name has been stuck on the indigenous people of Americas.
She was delighted to hear this..why don't you write it down? she asked.
"Fine, I will write a post about it on my blog." I answered.


Dawn said... I also had this Canada the natives are called Native Australia too...your description well relates...
Thnx for listening to your frnd and writing here as it spreads the msg :)


Xeb said...

I first found this out in world history! Its always amused me since!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hmmm...went thru ur writings...are u by any chance a professor? writer? philosopher? honoured member of a literati group ? :P