Saturday, May 20, 2006


I want to visit Gorakh Hills since the time I came to know that it is the highest peak in Sindh. The problem is that it lies in the hinterland of Dadu district which is notorious due to the presence of dacoits. Although I have travelled many times in that area but I never ventured deep inside the hills off the main Indus High way. I know local people there , I have talked to them and they are willing to provide me escort to Gorakh Hills, but a certain unknown fear occupies my heart, and I don't like that I am afraid. I am afraid of what? Is it about dacoits? Those dacoits who may or may not be present.
I know that one has to take risks to explore the unknown. Sometimes I think the dacoit fear is just an excuse to keep delaying the reply to the call of wilderness, to keep supressing the desire of the heart because now the heart is testing the resolve of the lover of nature. Fears are within not outside. The real dacoit is the fear that is robbing me of my dreams, I will not let it do that.


Zunaster said...

Nice to see some one blogging from my city, Hyderabad. :)

Masood Ahmed said...

@Arianuz: welcome to my blog.nice to know you are from Hyderabad. Keep coming back.

Keshi said...

trying to be on the safe side is being afraid...fear not.


Masood Ahmed said...

@keshi: You may be's being on the safe side...I will take all the precaution and be there.:)