Tuesday, May 09, 2006

That hurts...

I: You know when I will be old, I will look back at the time spend with you and cherish every moment of it and remember you as someone who touched the strings of my heart subtly and I will be thankful to you for opening yourself to me, for trusting me and for making my life more beautiful.
She: Oh! you will leave me, that hurts.


Keshi said...

who's leaving who?


akemi said...

It must be her assumption that you are leaving her. Why is she so afraid? Why can she not enjoy the thought, the belief, that you will have a full and happy lifetime together...why can she not trust you?

Why do I feel this way too?

Masood Ahmed said...

When we love someone intensely we become anxious.....and the anxiety of loosing the love makes us look less desirable and then love runs away. Love yourself and believe that you are lovable....:)

Keshi said...

good one..
