Friday, February 17, 2006

13371st day of my life

Today is 13371st day of my life. When I look back I found that only few days have been in my memory with their specifics. Rest of the days I dont know how did I pass them. For example I don't remember what happened ....ummm lets say on May 5' 1983. It may be because I have never kept a diary on regular basis but the point is not that if I remember what happened on a specific day the point is did I intentionally try to make my days of life memorable, useful, eventful and productive. 13370 days came and went away. Ofcourse whatever I am this is due to these passing days but I have a feeling that the realiziation how useful and miraculous each day is comes lately.I do remember May 5' 1983 came in my life when I was studying in Public School Hyderabad, Sindh in 9th Class. I think those were the days when my final exams were going on. I appeared in the exams at the centre in Unit 10, Latifabad in a school named Noor -e- Islam high school. Oh those were the days. I remember my father used to drop me for the exam in the morning. Now here I have certainly the idea what I was doing during those days but I don't remember what I did on May 5' 1983. Now is it important to remember each day with its specific? No, its not important but it is important to remember that each day is important. What I mean is that we should give respect to each moment and each day of life because few seconds, few minutes or few days in the life bring changes that have long lasting impact. Whatever I have done on May 5 '1983 has a direct impact what I am today and it goes true for every day of my life. If we realize that each day is a miracle then we will cherish its presence and get the best out of it. So this moment here as I am writing has a direct influence what I will be in the coming days.

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