Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Its Getting Chaotic!!

Its getting chaotic!!!
The world is chaotic. Noises, shouts, cries, loud music (or cacophony) invading the tranquility of my space. I cannot do much to protect my little quiet island. I am clinging to the slipping rope of serenity but it seems my grip on it is losing.Its like hanging on a cliff. Beneath the cliff lies the abyss of chaos. I am struggling to hold the rope as it is my only hope to get back to the plateau of composure.What have brought me to the state of mess? External noises or internal noises? External noises are feable compared to the thunderbolts I hear inside. The internal noise pollution is not letting me to concentrate. I feel myself being pulled by strings in all direction. Nothing is happening and time is passing. Focus is lost and life is moving in a whirlpool. I know what I need to do. I know how to get out of it. It is the inertia that needs to be overcome. It is endless thinking without action that is overwhelming my power. I need to listen to myself. My voice is somewhat lost in the din. I am going to find it. I know I have to listen to it. Through getting rid of all noises and bringing the silence back in my inner world I will be able to pull myself back to normalcy. Slowly and slowly,inch by inch, moment by moment I need to shut up all the distracting noises. Once I am all alone with myself and I listen to my inner voice it tells me what to do. As I am writing this I have already statred listening to my voice. Writing helps in focusing and focus helps in achieving the goals. I am on my way.........................

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